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Sin - Defining It

In Scripture we find many words that refer to sin. In the Old Testament there are eight principal words and in the New Testament twelve. These words convey a number of ideas such as missing the mark, disobedience, transgression, lawlessness, rebellion, unrighteousness, etc. In Romans 4:15, Paul teaches that the law was given in order that we may better understand both God’s standard and the seriousness of transgressing that standard.

We must carefully consider a number of passages if we are going to properly define sin. Based on those passages, sin is:
 (1) A transgression of the law of God (Rom. 2:23; 5:14; Gal. 3:19). Murder is a sin because it is a transgression of God’s law in which He stated “Thou shalt not kill” (Ex. 20:13 KJV).
(2) Missing the mark and falling short of God’s standard (Rom. 3:23). We can miss the mark or fall short of God’s standard by either things we do or things we fail to do (cf. Rom. 14:23).
(3) A principle that dwells in man. There are a number of passages that help us understand this. In Romans 7:14, 17-25 Paul talks about that struggle that we have with that sin principle within us; in Galatians 3:22, Paul tells us that “the whole world is a prisoner to sin” because we all posses this sin nature. Hebrews 3:13 presents this principle as that which deceives us, deception that will lead to our ultimate destruction. It is referred to as a condition by Jesus (John 9:41; 15:24; 19:11).
(4) Rebellion against God, lawlessness (1 John 3:4). Lawlessness is any deviation from God’s commands. In 1 Corinthians 10:31 Paul states, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” With this statement Paul is essentially indicating that anything we do that does not conform to the glory of God is sin.
(5) Ungodliness and wickedness (unrighteousness) (Rom. 1:18). These are wrongful acts against God and man. Ungodliness is defiance of God and His laws, lack of reverence for God, to desire after evil things. Unrighteousness is the fruit of ungodliness, the actual breach of God’s law.


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