Although not meant to be an exhaustive study on the uniqueness of the Bible, I would like to highlight six areas that help us see why the Bible is unlike any other book in history. Its uniqueness serves as evidence and is an incredible testimony that validates the historical, orthodox doctrines of inspiration and inerrancy. The Bible is unique in its: Continuity/Harmony Consider some of these unique facts about its nature and composition: The Bible was written over a 1500 year period, Forty different individuals were involved in writing the books of the Bible, individuals from all walks of life such as kings, shepherds, fisherman, scholars, etc., It was written on three different continents (Asia, Africa and Europe) and from many different places within those continents (prison, palace, wilderness, etc.), It was written during different times in history (times of war, times of piece, etc.), as a result, it was written in different moods (confusion, joy, sadness, etc.), It was written i...
Living life inspired by a personal relationship with a God so awesome, that words simply cannot describe... have you met Him yet?